Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays, spending time with family and reflecting on holidays of the past. I always remember the childhood holidays and all the cool gifts we had. Among my favorite were the Evil Knievel action figures with the rocket motorcycle. Yes… he was my hero and no… he still couldn't make it over the canyon (our neighborhood creek) …LOL.
It’s great to think about those memories and it makes me realize how much I have been blessed over the years.
This year has brought many blessings as well… one being the opportunity to grow my training business at LT’s Primal Fitness and finally put together FSSRobWess to help fitness enthusiasts and competitive lifters outside of my local area excel at their game.
It’s an honor to be asked by others for training advice and help. I look forward to sharing my strength training knowledge and experiences.
I hope your and your families enjoy an incredible holiday season!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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