Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hello everyone... how are those New Year's resolutions coming along?

Last year I set two goals for 2014:

*one was accomplished
*one was not accomplished

So the one that was a little short automatically carries over to this year's goals... For that one I am
investing in learning more and expanding my knowledge base to help attain that goal.

I hope you are doing the same thing... don't try to figure it all out on your own... use available resources to avoid wasted time, energy and frustration. 

If strength and getting strong is among your goals... make a commitment to those goals and invest in reaching them. 

With that consider an often overlooked and / or improperly performed exercise that can yield great upper body strength gains.

Come join me this Sat. morning at LT's in Asheville, for our Overhead Press and Bench Press workshop. Text me if you plan to attend: 704-616-9180. 
Post your questions here and lets talk strength!

Be patient and stay committed to you goals...


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year to all... I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and are ready to get started working on those New Year’s resolutions and pursuing your new fitness goals. We’ve all experienced making a New Year’s resolution… and then breaking it. This year I challenge you to stop the cycle of resolving to make change and then not following through. As you begin your New Year’s resolution endeavor, keep in mind that it takes 21 day for a new activity to become a habit and six months for it to become part of your personality or lifestyle. It’s not an overnight thing, so be persistent, patient and in it for long term. 

What are you 2015 goals?

Next month I will began monthly discussions on training alternatives with “Specialty Bars”. Unfamiliar to many, these are the odd looking bars found in our strength side at LT’s. Specialty Bars are commonly used with high level athletic training and provide great options to the basic traditional lifts as well as options for working around some injuries.
Looking ahead… March 21st, LT’s Primal 
Fitness will once again host one of the State’s most popular drug free bench press competitions… the annual N.C. BATTLE OF THE BENCH. This event is the IBP (Iron Boy Powerlifting) N.C. State Bench Press Championship and bench for reps competition.


There will be a 30 lifter cap for this event, so if you’re having thoughts of competing, make sure to get registered on the IBP website ASAP. 

Rob Wess: / 704-616-9180

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