Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hello to all… 
Hope you’re still motivated and making progress with those New Year’s resolutions.

Before I get started discussing one of the “specialty bars” for this month’s topic I want to throw out a reminder that Valentine’s Day is only a few days away, so don’t forget! …and make sure you have something planned for that special someone.

Ok, on to this month’s topic; “Specialty Bars”. Specialty Bars are commonly used with high level athletic training, but can provide great options to the basic traditional lifts as well as options for working around some injuries.

This month, lets take a look at the TRAP BAR – it is designed for use as an alternative to regular barbell deadlifts. The trap bar design allows a more natural body position compared to that of the regular barbell deadlift, where the bar is in front of the body and requires a more equally distributed engagement of the upper body and complete posterior chain. The trap bar is gripped with the hands by your sides and the palms facing inward. This puts you in a more comfortable, natural athletic position which targets the glutes and hamstrings more directly and reducing some stress of the erectors and lower back.                                                                     
While regular barbell deadlifts will always arguably be the king of all lifts, the trap bar deadlift can also build huge lower body power and could be a better option for athletic training purposes or those with lower back concerns.

     Check out this short video demonstration of a few Trap Bar training options, including the deadlift.

Stronger hip flexors, hamstrings and glutes are not only critical for athletic performance, that strength can also enhance climbing, hiking, running, cycling etc.. How so? Well of course no lift can replace the benefits of running to get better at running or honing specific techniques and skills, however improving on strength training exercises that develop the upperbody, posterior chain and core strength can improve joint integrity, help improve or correct imbalances and develop the extra strength for sprint bursts up hills or at the end of a race. 
Don’t forget March 21st, LT’s Primal Fitness in Asheville, N.C. will once again host on of the State’s most popular drug free bench press competitions… the annual N.C. BATTLE OF THE BENCH.

This event is the IBP (Iron Boy Powerlifting) N.C. State Bench Press Championship and bench for reps competition.

IBP State and National bench press records will be on the line!

FREE ADMISSION: Come on out and support this awesome event!         

Rob Wess: / 704-616-9180

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