Packing for our vacation focused my attention on protein needs. As I packed up supplements and snacks etc. thoughts shifted to a question I was recently asked in the gym... What is the difference between Whey and Isolate protein?
Protein nutrition is pretty simple… Depending on your specific protein needs, it is common to consume approx. 20 -30 grams approx. every three hours to keep your body in an anabolic state for repairing and building muscle tissue. This can also help regulate your metabolism. Keep in mind that it’s always best to get the majority of your protein intake from whole food sources such as eggs, chicken, lean red meat, nuts and fish.
When it comes to protein supplementation, there are three types of whey protein to choose from. So what is the difference between them and which one do you need? A closer look at each one can help you decide.
Whey Protein Concentrate (aka Whey Protein) is derived from milk products and is a top protein choice for building muscle because of the high amino acid composition and that a large proportion of the protein is absorbed and utilized by the body.
Whey Protein Isolate comes from further filtering of whey protein concentrate thru a process called ion-exchange or cross-flow microfiltration which removes ash and lactose. Protein isolates have very low levels of lactose and fat and are almost exclusively pure protein.
Hydrolyzed Whey (Hydro Whey) is basically the larger proteins found in Isolates broken down into smaller pieces to allow even faster absorption into your system with the theory that it will help enable your muscles to start rebuilding quicker.
• Concentrate = absorbs fast (contains fat and lactose)
• Isolate = absorbs faster (very low fat and lactose)
• Hydrolyzed = absorbs fastest
Protein has been a staple of my diet for years and could arguably be the most important part of supplementation. I have always opted for good quality, economy priced supplement sources and in my opinion there is no reason to fork out more money than is necessary to help meet protein requirements. Do you really need to pay more for a protein that absorbs faster?
Assess your fitness goals along with some deeper research to determine which Whey Protein suits your endeavors. Always remember to follow the directions of your supplement manufacturer.
...invest in the process!